Dr. Icilma Fergus-Rowe "ICY"

Dr. Paige Long Sharps
Health and Human Services
The Links, Incorporated established the Health and Human Services Facet in response to the chronic health disparities that persist in Black communities and result in the decreased life expectancy of African Americans and other people of African ancestry. The goal of HHS is to promote and facilitate programs that support the maintenance of good health and the elimination of chronic health disparities in communities of color through education, health advocacy, and optimal utilization of health resources. Through various national programs Greater Hudson Valley (NY) chapter is educating the community on health risk, prevention and improvement.
HeartLinks program encourages Links members and the communities we serve to take an aggressive stance against heart disease, the number one killer of African American women. The Greater Hudson Valley (NY) Chapter each year encourages its members and the community to participate in the Cardiovascular Risk Reduction Program, and Red Dress events. We are proud of our most recent Hats for the Hearts, a virtual hats fashion show while discussing heart disease causes, symptoms, and prevention Walk For Healthy Living, another signature program is designed to encourage Links members, their families, and the communities we serve to improve their health
by walking more. The GHV (NY) chapter is proud to boast over 33,000 steps completed on Walk-A-Thon Day alone.
Organ, Tissue, and Bone Marrow Donation Awareness Signature Program Linkages to Life was established in response to the health disparities in organ, eye, and tissue (including bone marrow) transplantation. Our goal is to decrease disparities in donor registration and transplantation in the African American community. GHV members increases the number of registered donors through
community-based events and multi-media awareness campaigns yearly during Sunday worship services.
The National Mental Health Initiative which educates Links members about depression, anxiety, and social issues that impact our physical and mental health so that our members can take this knowledge into our communities. GHV (NY) partners with NAMI and other organizations to bring awareness to the community via symposiums, magic shows, and webinars.
The Links, Incorporated and the American Cancer Society have worked together to address cancer disparities and drive health equity in all communities touched by cancer. Through the Health Equity Ambassador program, we seek to eradicate inequities and reduce cancer screening disparities through community outreach and education. GHV (NY) not only raises funds by walking in the annual American Cancer Society breast cancer walk, but brings awareness through seminars, a mammogram van, and instructional webinars on risk, symptoms, treatment, and prevention.
The National Oral Health Initiative, in partnership with Colgate, we implemented their Bright Smiles, Bright Futures program to teach youth about proper oral care. The Bright Smiles, Bright Futures program has enabled GHV (NY) the opportunity to educate, screen and refer those in need of further dental care to thousands of children. Greater Hudson Valley (NY) Links chapter continues to be innovative, creative, and forward moving in facilitating healthy changes in the communities we serve and cherish.
Our Programs
Heart Health Awareness